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December 12, 2019 1 min read

Riding to work and using her bike as her main mode of transport, not just a form of exercise, is something Taren has grown to love. Along the way, Taren has also enjoyed the benefits this simple little change to her routine has provided - fun, fitness, happiness (no more getting caught in traffic congestion), money savings, convenience and not to mention getting to enjoy the fresh air.

In the words of Albert Einstein "Life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving."

First Name:

Adelaide, Austalia

What ACTIVE have you found? 
Cycle Commuting

How did you find your ACTIVE? 
It was a slow burn. Taking to friends, making different choices. Inspiration from friends.

What do you love about your ACTIVE? 
The freedom

What surprises did you find along the journey? 
The ability to see more by moving slower.

What were the challenges getting started? 

How do you keep yourself motivated? 
By cycling places every day and making it a normal part of my day.

What was one thing that was holding you back from your ACTIVE? 
Bad habits.

If you could share one piece of inspiration to those finding their ACTIVE and staying motivated, what would it be? 
Don't assume you don't have time - you do!

How has your ACTIVE changed over the years? 
Making cycling an everyday activity. Not just a form of exercise but a mode of transport.

Here's to us all being Everyday Adventures - #findyouractive 
Don't forget to share your "I Found" Story with us HERE

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